Saturday, February 15, 2014

Art Quilt - Cedar Waxwing Finished

The final steps in making the Cedar Waxwing art quilt were the hardest.  Drawing is not my strong point and thread sketching is a bit like drawing.  So, I created multiple steps to ensure a more successful outcome.  First, I traced the image of the waxwing onto a plastic sheet and made a copy of it onto white paper.

Then, I drew pencil lines on the white paper where I thought my thread sketching should be. I lined paper with interfacing and free motion quilted over the pencil lines with black thread.  I took an extra step and created a paper color copy of the waxwing and thread sketched it.  

Finally, I made the jump to the actual fabric pieced waxwing created earlier and free motion quilted  it.  Definitely, a fun process but I did have to let go and not try to be a perfectionist.  

The end result was a beautiful art quilt, my first.  I am looking forward to sharing more of these with you in the future.