Monday, January 28, 2013

In Progress: Love My Pirate Quilt

After being inspired by the the Scrappy Trip quilt, I wanted to make another quilt using some of my scraps.  Particularly, my pirate fabric scraps which have been calling.  I searched the web for some ideas and stumbled across Sharon Schraber's network on Y-tube.  Wow! What an amazing quilter and teacher.  Yes, I am new to the quilting world.  My Love My Pirate quilt design  has been inspired by her Stash N Dash quilt tutorial.  I even used the glue in my seams and it does work.  Now, I just have to find a glue tip to make it less messy.  Here is the finished quilt top ready to be quilted.

FYI:  Happening at the Studio

Our Embroidery with Coloration class hosted by Ronna was a hit.  Everyone learned a new technique using crayons in their embroidery work.  It does make your work more dynamic and colorful.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Scrappy Trip Along Quilt

A splash of color in the middle of winter

First finished quilt for 2013!

When reading through some of my favorite blogs, I ran across this quilt challenge to stitch up a Scrappy Trip Along Quilt.  As it is my New Year's resolution once again to get rid of piles, I thought this quilt would get me off on the right foot.  What a fun project it turned out to be!  I made 12 blocks of my favorite colors and would have kept going but did not want to bite off more than I can chew and not complete the task.

Check out other Scrappy Trip Along Quilts on
Instagram - Hashtag #scrappytripalong
or on Flickr

I will be hosting a class making your own Scrappy Quilt on January 29th at 11:00 am.
Sign up on